On Monday, April 3rd, at Hangar 21, Banca Profilo hosted the Spring Investor Conference dedicated to some of the most promising companies listed on the EGM. During the event, institutional investors and some of the most promising EGM-listed companies had the opportunity to meet and discuss the results of 2022 and the strategies for 2023.
In total, there were 10 participating companies, around 20 investors present, and more than 50 meetings held.
During the day, in addition to the presentation of Banca Profilo Research’s new quarterly monitoring product for the EGM, a roundtable discussion was held between Italian funds specializing in Small/Mid Caps and issuers.
We thank the investors for sharing their ideas during the roundtable: Andrea Faraggiana, Antonio Amendola, Giacomo Lo Gatto, Giampaolo Rivano, and Umberto Grimi.
We also thank all the participants and issuing companies for holding meetings throughout the day: Arterra Bioscience, Circle, Cofle, Gismondi, Health Italia, Nocivelli, Promotica, SCK Group, Svas Biosana, and TMP Group.